Top Considerations When Buying New IT Equipment

new IT equipment

Investing in new IT equipment is a smart move for any business that wants to stay competitive and efficient. However, choosing the right equipment can be a daunting task, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that may not have dedicated IT staff. In this article, we’ll explore some key factors to consider when selecting IT equipment for your business, and share some best practices for managing and maintaining your IT investment.

Why is upgrading IT equipment important for your business?

Before we dive into the specifics of selecting IT equipment, let’s take a step back and look at why upgrading your equipment is important in the first place. Here are some of the main benefits of investing in new IT equipment:

  1. Increased productivity: Newer equipment typically offers faster processing speeds and better performance, which can help your employees get more work done in less time.
  2. Enhanced security: Older equipment may lack the latest security features, leaving your business vulnerable to cyber threats. Upgrading to newer equipment can help you stay protected against modern threats.
  3. Improved efficiency: Newer equipment often has better energy efficiency, reducing your electricity bills and helping the environment.
  4. Competitive advantage: Upgrading your IT equipment can give you a competitive edge by enabling you to offer better products or services, or by making your business more agile and responsive.

Factors to consider when selecting IT equipment

Now that you know why upgrading your IT equipment is important, let’s take a look at key factors to consider when selecting it:

  1. Compatibility: Make sure that the new equipment you are considering is compatible with your existing IT infrastructure, including software, network, and peripherals. You don’t want to invest, only to find out that it doesn’t work with your existing systems.
  2. Scalability: Consider whether the new equipment can grow with your business. You don’t want to invest in anything that will be outdated in a year or two.
  3. User-friendliness: Look for ease of use. Your employees should be able to operate it without extensive training.
  4. Total cost of ownership: Consider the total cost of owning and maintaining the equipment over its lifetime, including maintenance costs, repair costs, and energy costs.
  5. Warranty and support: Look for equipment that comes with a comprehensive warranty and technical support. You want to make sure that you can get help if something goes wrong.

Best practices for managing and maintaining IT equipment

Once you’ve selected your IT equipment, it’s important to take good care of it to ensure that it lasts as long as possible and performs at its best. Here are some best practices for managing and maintaining your IT equipment:

  1. Keep your equipment clean: Regularly clean to remove dust and debris that can clog vents and cause overheating. Use a soft cloth and a gentle cleaner to avoid scratching the equipment.
  2. Update your software: Keep your operating system, applications, and security software up-to-date to ensure that you have the latest features and protection.
  3. Back up your data: Regularly back up your data to prevent loss in case of failure or a cyber attack.
  4. Monitor your equipment: Keep an eye on your equipment’s performance and check for any signs of malfunction or degradation. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.
  5. Schedule regular maintenance: Schedule regular maintenance, such as cleaning, updates, and hardware checks. This can help prevent problems before they occur and extend the life of your new technology investment.

Investing in new IT equipment can provide significant benefits for your business, but it’s important to choose the right technology and take good care of it. By considering the factors and best practices previously outlined, you can make informed decisions and get the most out of your IT investment. Additionally, working with a trusted IT provider can help simplify the process of selecting and managing IT equipment. They can help you assess your needs, recommend the right software/hardware, and provide ongoing support and maintenance.

At Back to Business I.T., we understand the importance of having reliable and efficient IT equipment for your business.

Our team of experienced professionals can help you select the right equipment, manage and maintain it, and provide technical support whenever you need it (even nights and weekends). We’re dedicated to helping your business stay competitive, efficient, and secure. Contact us today for a quote or assessment!

Battling the Myths of How Businesses Control Their IT Infrastructure

IT Infrastructure

In order for businesses to stay ahead of the competition, they need to be innovative. One word that is often associated with being innovative is technology. A business’s technology stems directly from their IT infrastructure. This includes their server(s), hardware, technology, managed services, software, network, etc. In order to allow innovation, businesses need to have a stable, secure and up-to-date IT infrastructure. By having this, it will allow technology to help the business operate smoothly.

Back to Business I.T. helps businesses to create, monitor and maintain their IT infrastructures. After helping many clients, we have experienced a lot of different IT environments. Through these environments, we have noticed there are some common myths that businesses believe regarding how to control an I.T. infrastructure. Below we discuss three myths and explain the realities to these situations.

1) Myth: A business can hire one person to run their entire IT infrastructure.

Reality: This may be true in some very rare cases but for most businesses, they find success in having a team of experts to control their IT infrastructure. IT managed services firms have a team of experts who work together to monitor and maintain these infrastructures. This is what allows technology to continue running for a business. So, outsourcing a business’s IT department to an managed service provider is needed.

2) Myth: An employee considered to be “tech savvy” can take on a business’s technology issues.

Reality: Taking an employee, who already has responsibilities in their current position, and throwing them into an IT environment can be dangerous. Monitoring and maintaining an IT infrastructure is a full-time job. It should not be given to someone who does not have the time to put in the work that is required. Also, being considered “tech savvy” does not mean they have the expert knowledge to provide the stable, secure and up-to-date IT infrastructure that every business needs.

3) Myth: Outsourcing a business’s IT department to a third-party managed service provider is expensive and not worth the high costs.

Reality: Outsourcing a business’s IT to a managed services firm can take up a major portion of their IT budget. However, when looking at the big picture, it can save the business money. For example, if a business’s IT network is invaded by a major threat that their one-man IT department or “tech savvy” employee cannot handle, the business is going to acquire substantial losses. Not only will they have to find and pay an IT expert or firm to resolve the issue, they will also lose a lot of important data in the process. Yet, if the business had outsourced their IT infrastructure to a managed services firm before this happened, they could have contained the threat in a much more cost and time saving manner.

In order for businesses to keep up with the competition and become innovative enough to stand out against them, they need to start investing in their technology. By doing this, they will be gaining access to opportunities that will help their business to grow.

If you are interested in learning more about what an IT managed service provider can do for your business, let’s start a conversation.

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